Preparing for my double jaw surgery due to sleep apnea caused by structural issues. Exploring evolutionary, dietary influences on jaw development and preventive measures.
I recently came across the work of Dr. Gio Valiante, a renowned sports psychologist who has identified five domains that generally lead to outsized success in one’s profession.
Loaded closets, adopting a minimalist approach to your wardrobe can offer a liberating contrast. This stripped-down style emphasizes quality over quantity, which not only reduces waste but also saves cognitive energy, leaving room for the things that truly matter in life.

Nicky’s Corner

In this blog, I will discuss my philosophical approach to nutrition followed by the system I’ve designed to reduce decision making and maintain dietary principles.
The last conversation to be discussed in this series is known as the identity conversation. No longer are we talking about what we think happened or whether our feelings are hurt.
As I described in my last entry, there are generally three types of core conflicts that emerge between partners. The “what happened” conversation arises out of disagreement as to what factually occurred, often leaving each party pointing the finger at the other.
Research shows that difficult conversations between partners generally fall into three categories: The “what happened” conversation, the feelings conversation, and the identity conversation.