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Hi friends & welcome to my home on the internet. I’m so happy you’re here!

I’m Lya! I’m a Puerto Rican style and travel enthusiast who ditched life as a finance executive to become a lifestyle and fashion creator.

I’m your girl for styling tips, outfit ideas and shopping guides, but I’m also super open about the ups and downs of my experiences. There’s plenty of real talk here around the challenges and excitement of growing my business, evolving in my relationships (and my style!) and finding happiness in the everyday. I hope you enjoy and subscribe to my newsletter for more!

Meet Nicky

My husband and I have been together for about six years now, and he’s my go-to guru for everything from mental health to fitness to finances.

He’s a professional investment manager who takes a thoughtful approach to everything he does, and I love coming to him for advice. So, I decided to dedicate a part of my platform for him to share those lessons with you: Nicky’s Corner!

Nicky shares insights on topics like family, nutrition, conflict resolution and more, all focused on helping you live your best life.