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Weekend Getaway Essentials: A Checklist for Your Next Tropical Mini Vacay

My family and I recently had a little stay-cation at one of our favorite resorts in Puerto Rico, the Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve Puerto Rico. It was only a two-day trip but if you’re like me, you might find that it’s often harder to pack for fewer days than it is for long trips. So in an effort to make all of our lives a bit easier next time we’re headed on a short trip I’ve come up with a 15-point checklist of ‘not-to-forget’ items.

  1. Sunscreen: I’ve been there too many times & if you wait to purchase it at the resort it will cost you an arm and a leg. I try to pack a face sunscreen with my toiletries and the body sunscreen I put in my beach bag in.

  2. Hat: I tend to wear this one on the way there and back since they’re a pain to pack and annoyingly easy to leave behind.

  3. Lotion: I’ve made a travel size lotion a permanent feature in my toiletry bag because my everyday lotion comes in a large container which is a no for a short weekend trip.

  4. Conditioner: Complimentary conditioners at hotels don’t do it for me but if you don’t want to pack yours at the very least I recommend taking a leave-in with you so that you don’t end up with half of your hair in a brush after a day at the beach.

  5. Tooth Brush: I literally forgot mine this weekend and had to resort to Listerine and my index finger (don’t judge).

  6. Brush: Add it to your beach bag because it’s best if you brush your wet hair shortly after getting out of the water.

  7. Rubber Flip-Flops: Also one I tend to forget a lot and even though I always bring other flats, they almost always end up being a hassle to put on after my feet are covered in sand. My go-to are always just plain black Havaianas.

  8. Sunglasses: NEVER FORGET. I always pack at least two.

  9. Two Outfits per Day: One for the daytime (I usually do swimsuits and cover ups) and then go all out for dinner + nighttime outings.

  10. Two Pairs of Shoes: I don’t count my Havaianas as one so I actually end up bringing a minimum of 3.

  11. Speakers: It’s always the best news for everyone on the trip when someone announces they’ve brought speakers and I am rarely ever that person.

  12. Bras: Because if I arrive with a swimsuit already on, you can bet I forgot to pack a bra.

  13. Charging Cables: Don’t just bring them but remember not to leave them behind.

  14. Cooler: A pre-filled cooler with water bottles, snacks and your alcoholic beverage of choice will both make the day go smoother & save money.

  15. Face Mask & Antibacterial: Because global pandemic so its worth noting.

If you think of any other items that should be part of this checklist let me know in the comment section! As always I hope you guys found this entry helpful 🙂
